Free Soft Clipper Vst

  1. Clipping Vst Free
  2. Fruity Soft Clipper Vst
  3. Free Soft Clipper Vst Presets

Free Clip is an intuitive multi algorithm soft clipper/wave shaper plugin, available as a Windows VST or mac Audio Unit. The plugin allows you to choose between a range of wave shapes or ‘sigmoid functions’, from the most transparent but harshest hard clip, to the ‘softest’ but most saturated arctangent shape. You can then intuitively set the ceiling level using the slider that perfectly matches the level meter next to it. Oversampling is also available to remove high frequency aliasing; when oversampling is on this does introduce peaks slightly over the ceiling level however, so if you intend to use this plugin with oversampling as the final plugin on the master chain, ensure the ceiling level is set appropriately and/or the post-oversampling clip setting is set.

This plugin is a great way to conveniently transparently boost volume without clipping your daw, whether it be an individual stem or sound effect, or an entire track that you made. Excel to vcf converter free download full version. It is recommended that the hardclip, quantic or cubic shape be used for mastering, as these introduce no or minimal saturation.

The plugin can be also used as a more traditional saturation/distortion plugin by setting a ‘softer’ wave shape, such as algebraic or arctangent – simply lower the ceiling level to provide more saturation to the signal – just remember to boost the output afterwards. Alternatively you can boost the input gain into the clipper for the same effect. In this case, increasing the oversampling value is helpful if you’re hearing high frequency aliasing! Be warned that high oversampling values such as 16 or 32 times can be very heavy on the CPU.

Free Clip Beta is now available to download below.

Fruity Soft Clipper. Fruity Soft Clipper is a CPU-friendly soft limiter. Soft limiting avoids clipping by applying gentle (soft knee) compression to the input signal. It is worth noting that soft knee compression will cause 'saturation' effects when the signal level exceeds the threshold level. While a little saturation brings 'warmth', too. Free VST wave-shaping signal clipper. Clip peaks off audio with abrupt or smooth wave-shaping. Graph and waveform displays assist in setting the clip level according to the source material. Oversampling can be enabled to reduce aliasing.

/where-are-my-vst-plugins.html. If you plan on using Free Clip often, please consider donating to support our work:

  1. This free VST declipper can bring the oversqueezed samples to life, or smoothes a bad vocal recording. It was used on the clipped sample you can see on the first picture. Don’t expect miracles, but don’t hesitate to test the three algo, to find which is working best for you.
  2. Free VST wave-shaping signal clipper. Clip peaks off audio with abrupt or smooth wave-shaping. Graph and waveform displays assist in setting the clip level according to the source material. Oversampling can be enabled to reduce aliasing.
  3. If you want to try out a soft-clipping VST plugin, check out the free NCL Basic Soft Clipper or GClip; commercial soft clippers include IK Multimedia’s Classic Clipper and Stillwell Audio’s Event Horizon. Many compressors also have soft-clipping functions built into them.
Download Windows VST v0.9.2
Download Mac Audio Unit/VST v0.9.2

Source code available here, subject to the terms of the GNU General Public License v3

Imagine you have a sound file that was badly recorded, with no possibility to re-record, and with no clean version : how to deal with the clipping, the saturation, the distorsion ?
Imagine you have a mix/(pre)mastering that was crushed-to-death in a “loudness war” fashion and you have lost all the original files :

how to fix this mess ?

Is there a possibility to clean / smooth the sound ?

Clipping Vst Free

how to “unsaturate” ?

can i have declipping ?

-> no <-

it’s too late, we can’t go back to the clean sound!
But we can do our best to limit the damages.
here’s some informations :

And now a selection of plugins to help fixing the clipping disasters :

I won the loudness war

Declipper plugins :

Some editors provide plugins that can add some improvements, Izotope has developed a suite, intended for repairing audio : this include music restoration, “declipping”, noise removal etc. It’s a bit expensive but if you really need it, you have it all !

Izotope RX3

more info and download demo @

We have hunted down freeware declipper plugins on the interweb, we only found two, three if we include the “transient designer” (it can heal some overcompressed files) :

Relife 1.42

More info and free download @

This free VST declipper can bring the oversqueezed samples to life, or smoothes a bad vocal recording. It was used on the clipped sample you can see on the first picture.
Don’t expect miracles, but don’t hesitate to test the three algo, to find which is working best for you.

Declipper DX plugin 2.5

Declipper plugin 2.5

Free download @

This is a directX plugin, you have to use a DX-VST wrapper (like vb ffx4) in order to make it work in Wavosaur.
This free declipping plugin try to resynthetize the peak lost by the overclipping, It has advanced controls, you can have a look at the help to understand how it works. It aslo has a compress feature.

Fruity Soft Clipper Vst

Bittersweet 3

Free Soft Clipper Vst Presets

Informations & Freeware download @

This one is not intented for “declipping” but is a transient designer, and it can help to get a smoother sound. It’s subtle, and more important : it has a big knob !

Don’t expect wonders, once a signal is clipped / saturated / overclipped / distorded, you can’t go back to a clean signal.